When you are facing a felony charge, you are probably concerned with the most immediate consequences, such as fines, prison time or probation. This is understandable. However, sometimes this can cause you to quickly accept a plea deal to resolve the matter. But you...
Criminal Law
What makes a search and seizure unlawful?
To attain a conviction, prosecutors must prove a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The best way for law enforcement to meet this standard is to first collect evidence, and this means obtaining a search warrant for the suspected person’s home, office,...
What are the penalties for a first-time DWI in Texas?
It is surprisingly easy to wind up accused of DWI. Many people do not realize that their blood alcohol content is well over the 0.08% legal limit because, physically, they feel fine. Furthermore, many people might not realize that Texas authorities can file DWI...
How to act if you are arrested
Being stopped by the police is often a confusing and scary experience and being arrested is usually even worse. Police need reasonable suspicion to stop you and probable cause to arrest you. This means they must have reason to believe that a crime was committed, is...